, The Grand Scheme: Power and Politics in the Climate Crisisblog-posts climate-change-conflict-and-humanitarian-action
Rules of War (In a Nutshell)other-sources
Tackling Weapon Contaminationother-sources
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas): Second Humanitarian Plan to Identify Argentine Soldiers Buried in Darwin Cemeteryother-sources
Use of Nuclear and Radiological Weapons by Terrorists?articles
Precision Attack and International Humanitarian Lawarticles
Targeting the City: Debates and Silences about the Aerial Bombing of World War IIarticles
Regulating the Conduct of Urban Warfare: Lessons from Contemporary Asymmetric Armed Conflictsarticles
Military Operations in Urban Areasarticles
Neurobiology: A Case Study of the Imminent Militarization of Biologyarticles
, Autonomous Weapon Systems: What the Law Says – and Does Not Say – About the Human Role in the Use of Forceblog-posts conduct-of-hostilities
, Courage, Responsibility and the Path Towards a World Without Nuclear Weapons: A Message to Youthblog-posts conduct-of-hostilities
, Legal Reviews of Weapons, Means and Methods of Warfare Involving Artificial Intelligence: 16 Elements to Considerblog-posts conduct-of-hostilities
, A Plea for COP26: Don’t Forget People Affected by Conflictblog-posts climate-change-conflict-and-humanitarian-action
Universal Jurisdiction over War Crimes – Factsheetother-sources
, When Rain Turns to Dust: Climate Change, Conflict and Humanitarian Actionblog-posts climate-change-conflict-and-humanitarian-action
, Engaging with the Industry: Integrating IHL into New Technologies in Urban Warfareblog-posts urban-warfare
, ICRC In Good Faith: Legal Advice during Aerial Targeting in Urban Areasblog-posts urban-warfare
, War and the City: A Historyblog-posts urban-warfare
, The Nature-Security Nexus and the UN Security Councilblog-posts war-law-and-the-environment
, Protecting the Environment During Armed Conflict: IHL and Islamic Lawblog-posts war-law-and-the-environment
, Data-Driven Environmental Decision-Making and Action in Armed Conflictblog-posts war-law-and-the-environment
, How nature is protected during conflict – The Laws of War – ICRCvideos climate
, The Middle East water crisis and the Syria conflict – ICRCvideos climate
, Fighting malnutrition in the face of climate change – ICRCvideos climate
, What are the principles of international humanitarian law? – Tutorial videovideos explainers
, Rules of war (in a nutshell) | The Laws Of Warvideos explainers
National Implementation of IHL Documentationimplementation-documents
Second Geneva Convention (Convention (II) for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea.)geneva-conventions
Third Geneva Convention (Convention (III) relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War)geneva-conventions
Fourth Geneva Convention (Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.)geneva-conventions
, Geneva Convention Protocol Igeneva-conventions additional-protocols
, Geneva Convention Protocol IIgeneva-conventions additional-protocols
, Geneva Convention Protocol IIIgeneva-conventions additional-protocols
Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance, 2006supplementary-conventions
OAU Convention for the Elimination of Mercenarism in Africasupplementary-conventions
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weaponssupplementary-conventions
The Arms Trade Treaty 2013supplementary-conventions
Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Technique, 1976.supplementary-conventions
International Convention Against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenariessupplementary-conventions
Convention on Cluster Munitionssupplementary-conventions
First Geneva Convention (Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field)geneva-conventions
ICRC Database on National Measures Implementing International Humanitarian Lawimplementation-documents
Geneva Convention (Consolidation) Act Modelimplementation-documents
International Humanitarian Law Bibliographyimplementation-documents
National Committees for the Implementation of International Humanitarian Lawimplementation-documents
Bringing the Commentaries and the Geneva Convention and their Additional Protocols into the Twenty First Centuryguidance-documents
Interplay between International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law in Situations of Armed Conflictguidance-documents
What are Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello?guidance-documents
International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law: Similarities and Difference – Factsheetguidance-documents
Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movementguidance-documents
Humanity in Action: What was our Impact in 2020?guidance-documents
International Review of Red Cross, “Changing World, Unchanged Protection? Seventy Years of Geneva Convention”guidance-documents
International Review of Red Cross, “Changing World, Unchanged Protection? Seventy Years of Geneva Convention”guidance-documents